Healthy Lifestyle
Soy, heart and cholesterol
Someone once said that people are entitled to their own opinions, but not to their own facts. A review of 38 studies, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1995, found that soy consumption reduced cholesterol levels in 89 percent of the studies. If the articles written and spawned by Fallon and Enig were to be believed, just about everything we’ve been taught to believe about soy’s benefits is completely backwards. (more…)
Soy and Cancer: What is the Connection?
The important question is what is the relationship between soy consumption and cancer in humans? Despite the allegations of those wishing to build a case against soy, the evidence strongly suggests not only that soy does not promote cancer, but that it reduces cancer risk. For example, the elders of Okinawa have repeatedly been shown to be healthiest and longest-lived people in the world. This was demonstrated conclusively in the renowned Okinawa Centenarian Study, a 25-year study sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of Health. (more…)
Tofu as a part of a healthy diet
Tofu is a food with high nutritional value and significant health benefits. If the tofu is to be considered high quality, high-quality raw ingredients are necessary. At Alfa Bio, we use only non-genetically modified ingredients and precipitants. (more…)
Healthy nutrition – why and how
Healthy nutrition, or whatever is today’s popular term for a healthy lifestyle, isn’t about dieting or rejecting food that you love. It is more about understanding what kind of foods help you feel better, to be full of energy, to have a better mood and to be better able to manage stress. (more…)